Sunday, March 3, 2013

staff bonding, or "why it hurts to sneeze today"

I am currently sitting as absolutely still as possible. Why you ask? Because if I move, I will die. I may be over-exaggerating a little bit, but let's back up to the beginning and you can decide for yourself.

On Thursdays I hang out with Tami, my my mentor and friend and favorite new (and experienced) mommy. Tami is Todd, our campus director's, wife. and she is great. I can trust her with anything. She totally keeps me focused on Christ in all things and is great at speaking truth into my life. But, this post isn't about Tami and how much I love her. (Maybe I'll save that for another day.)

I was eating lunch with Tami when she suggested that I join her the next morning for "Body Bootcamp." I've really missed being active (since it is FREEZING outside) so I said yes. Tami ended up inviting Molly and Abby as well, so at 9:30 AM on a Friday morning, the staff women of Akron congregated for what was promised to be a "bonding experience."

One thing you must know about Tami before I continue is that she thrives in this type of environment. She loves running and staying actually gets her pretty hyped up. There was pretty bad traffic on route 8 that morning, so Molly and I arrived late. We could see Tami through the little window on the gym door before we even entered the room, high-fiving and cheering. What had we gotten ourselves into?

We got our mats and weights and jumped right in. Oh. My. Gosh. So it's been awhile since I really did anything besides jogging or hiking. Those four years of fitness-laziness during college did not go unnoticed. Also, NO ONE should have to hold that many planks in an hour. Or do any burpees. Ever. (If you're not sure what a burpee is:)

Ok so this video kind of make burpees look fun and effortless, but don't be fooled! 
Burpees are neither fun nor effortless.  

The instructor was tiny, but fierce. She kept yelling things like, "Come on ladies! What's one more rep?!" and "You're the last one on the bleacher! Everybody's looking at you!" I decided at the moment to NEVER be the last one on the bleachers, even if I passed out in the process. She also has some questionable music choices. Like the Harlem shake song...

But honestly, it was pretty fun. When I could actually do something I felt like a CHAMP. It also helps that most of the people in the room were just as out of shape as I was. Except for the woman across from me who I had to watch be awesome at everything the whole time while I tried not to fall over. Whatever. It just fueled my hate-fire (Pitch Perfect reference, y'all.)

At the very end Tami was on a HIGH. I don't think I have ever seen her so excited. It was wonderful. I love getting to experience people in their element. It was one of those moments when someone is so excited that you become that excited as well.  In my state of ecstasy I agreed to go back every week, but I think I really meant it. I mean, it has to get easier every week right?

Part 2 of this saga is where it gets interesting. I vaguely remember joking with each other about how sore we would be the next day, but did I really believe it? You guys. I WAS NOT PREPARED. Saturday morning I woke up and I could barely move. And it just got worse and worse as the day went on. At 10 a.m. I sat on the couch with the intention of checking a contact on my computer and ended up watching Jimmy Fallon clips on Hulu until 1:30. I don't even watch Jimmy Fallon. But, I knitted too so I guess it wasn't a total waste of time. 

And don't even get me started on the stairs, AKA my arch-nemesis for the day. The worst part? I kept thinking "You can't even complain because you DID THIS TO YOURSELF." 

Today is better. I only hurt in a few select areas, and it's the type of sore that says "Yeah, I worked for this and tomorrow I will have the glutes of Cindy Crawford." I mean, results are instant right?

So there ya go, not even twelve months out of college and I am already working out in a church gym with a bunch of moms. And you know what? I literally CANNOT WAIT until next week. 

Since I am in ministry and really good with cheesy metaphors, I already have a connection to Jesus and how he grows us swimming around in my head, but I will spare you. (You tear down muscles so that you body repairs them, building them up in the process...get it? get it?) 

But really, I share this event with you not because I need a fun opening to a sermon, but because Molly and I have started a list titled "Things I never thought I would experience because of Edge Corps..." and Body Bootcamp is definitely one of those things. As is driving to Lexington, Kentucky and back in one night, but that is a different story for a different day. 

Peaceout my friends. It's time for me to get some legitimate work done.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! You crack me up! I think you painted me in a VERY kind light, thanks!! :) Love you too, and can't wait till Friday either!!!! Let's get there early enough so we can work out next to each other! Love you! Tami
