Monday, January 7, 2013

5 passions

The other night I was sharing a wonderful dinner with some of my closest friends. Actually, no, let me tell it right.

My friend, Anthony, decided that for 2013 he wanted to be a man of adventure. This is possibly one of the greatest resolutions ever. Being the supportive friends we are, a group of us (my roommates and another friend) met Anthony downtown for what he thought would be an uneventful Kent dinner.  We pulled up in one of my roommate's red minivan, shouted "Get in the van," and kidnapped him.  We only took him to Olive Garden at Chapel Hill, but for 15 minutes he had no clue what was going on. And he had on red pants. A night of adventure indeed.

So we are sitting around the table at Olive Garden and someone suggests we go around the table and list our 5 passions, a game they had played the night before with our friend Anna. You are not supposed to over think your 5...your passions don't have to be serious. Also no one wins. Being overly competitive, I struggle with games where no one wins, but this one was fun.

I am making this story much longer than it needs to be, because honestly, I am just going to share with you my 5-not-too-serious passions.

1. Scarves, particularly of the infinity persuasion. But if they are not infinity, I will probably just sew the ends together. No big.

2. Finding new music...before everyone else. Kidding about that second part. But not really.

3. Gold glitter. I used to not have a favorite color...but I think I do now. Is glitter a color?

4. Typography, namely Futura, handrawn type, and Jessica Hische.

5. Knitting. I have legitimate knitting goals in my head. It's kind of like a video game...when I complete a challenge confetti falls and I am handed a giant trophy. So basically Mario Kart.

So at least one of those is not what I said the other night, but whatever. I have a lot of passions!

What are 5 simple things that bring you joy and make you you? If you can't think of any, you can borrow some of my others (Beyonce, Assassin's Creed, going out of my way to get a good Instagram) as placeholders until you figure it out.


  1. 1. "Fonts," as my wife incorrectly calls typography. I don't think I'm as ga-ga over it/them as I used to be, but I definitely appreciate a good-looking bunch of letters. (Have you seen the new Applebee's menu and such?)

    2. Stories. My favorites are always in songs or pictures, but I like good written stories too. The best ones are the simplest.

    3. Awkward handshakes and other greeting interactions. For some reason, I just suck at those things.

    4. Replacing song lyrics with my dog's name. Picked that up from a I can't stop.

    5. Grammar, vocabulary, and other rudimentary linguistic-type things. For some reason, I really like knowing the rules. Even if I don't follow them all the time.

    Hey, that was kind of fun!

    1. Thanks for sharing, Nate! These were fun to read :)
